
By purchasing a product from this website and proceeding with the payment, you confirm that: You are 21 years of age or over. You understand that our role is limited to as one of the sellers of this product and it is one of the many items that we sell on this website. You read and understood our disclaimer in relation to the manufacturer/supplier’s claim of medical and health benefits on consumption of the product. The information in relation to the product and claim of health benefits associated with the product are supplied by the manufacturer, and it must not be construed as of ours. You were advised to consult your doctor or health professional before purchasing and/or consuming the product. You rely on your own due diligence. We cannot guarantee you if the manufacturer’s claim in relation to particular benefit of the product consumption is scientifically proven, and/or based on research or evidence based findings.*** Not suitable for children, pregnant women and men with heart conditions. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner prior to taking any health supplements

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